CLI Commands


Generating Migrations

Use the migration:make command to create a new Migration. This will create the following new Migration class in your migrations folder. In order to determine the order of the migrations, each migration file name contains a timestamp.


name Name of the migration

Upgrading Migrations

Use the migration:up command to update to the next migration.

Downgrading Migrations

Use the migration:down command to downgrade to the previous migration.


Use the migration:refresh command to refresh all migrations, i.e. downgrade all migration and then upgrade all migrations. This effectivly recreates your entire database.


Use the migration:status command to check which migration did run and which did not.


Experiment CLI commands to allow you to run and manage your experiments.

Running experiments

Use the experiments:run command to run an experiment.


name Name of the experiment


--config=file Use alternative config file (relative to experiments folder).
--progress Toggle visibility of the progress bar.
--n=number Run the experiment n times.
 Hides the performance table.
-h, --help Show the help message.

Listing experiments

Use the experiments:list command to list status information about all experiments.


-h, --help Show the help message.

Plots and Charts

Plot CLI commands to allow you to generate your plots and charts.

Generating plots and charts

Use the plots:generate command to generate a plot/chart.


name Name of the plot/chart (plot|chart|graph is omitted from the filename).


-o Output file where the plot is stored at. When omitted the plot is shown directly.
-h, --help Show the help message.