
All of the configuration files for the experimentum framework are stored in the config directory.

App Configuration

The App configuration is stored in the app.json file and has to following options:

Option Description
prog Name of the program file.
description Description of the program.
logging.format Log Format.
logging.level Log Level.
logging.filename Name of the Log file.
logging.path Path to the log file.
logging.backup_count Number of backups the log handler keeps.
logging.max_bytes Maxium Bytes per log file. (default 1MB)
experiments.path Path to the experiments folder.

Example Config:

    "prog": "",
    "description": "Some Description",
    "logging": {
        "format": "[%(asctime)s] - [%(levelname)s] - [%(module)s] - %(message)s",
        "level": "info",
        "filename": "example_app.log",
        "path": "logs",
        "backup_count": 10,
        "max_bytes": 1048576
    "experiments": {
        "path": "experiments"

Storage Configuration

The Database configuration is stored in the storage.json file and has to following options:

Option Description
datastore.drivername Name of the database driver, e.g. postgresql, mysql, oracle, mssql, sqlite.
datastore.database Name of the database.
datastore.username Database Username.
datastore.password Database Password. Database host.
datastore.port Database port.
migrations.path Path to the migrations folder.
repositories.path Path to the repositories folder.

Example Config:

    "datastore": {
        "drivername": "sqlite",
        "database": "experimentum.db",
        "username": null,
        "password": null,
        "host": null,
        "port": null
    "repositories": {
        "path": "repositories"
    "migrations": {
        "path": "migrations"