============ CLI Commands ============ Migrations ========== Generating Migrations --------------------- Use the ``migration:make`` command to create a new :py:class:`.Migration`. This will create the following new :py:class:`.Migration` class in your ``migrations`` folder. In order to determine the order of the migrations, each migration file name contains a timestamp. Arguments: ==== ====================== name Name of the migration ==== ====================== Upgrading Migrations --------------------- Use the ``migration:up`` command to update to the next migration. Downgrading Migrations ---------------------- Use the ``migration:down`` command to downgrade to the previous migration. Refreshing ---------- Use the ``migration:refresh`` command to refresh all migrations, i.e. downgrade all migration and then upgrade all migrations. This effectivly recreates your entire database. Status ------ Use the ``migration:status`` command to check which migration did run and which did not. Experiments =========== .. automodule:: experimentum.Commands.ExperimentsCommand Plots and Charts ================ .. automodule:: experimentum.Commands.PlotCommand